Sem upal, da se mi ne bo potrebno srečati s to precej pogosto obliko vedenja v tem delu Velike Britanije, zal pa se je izkazalo, da tudi ta samotni Johnston, v katerem živim, ni imun na tovrstno obliko izživljanja mladih.
Da najprej malo objasnim našo okolico. Živim v dvostanovanjski hiši, neposredno poleg mene se zgradba nadaljuje in v vsaki od teh vrstnih hiš sta dve stanovanji. Drugi sklop zgradb so enostanovanjske hiše, vendar približno enako velike, kot na naši strani.
Last weekend I did what I wanted to do for a long while - to actually skydive in the UK. I’ve been putting it off for a long time, lately mostly due to the weather we have been having. Last weekend the weather was OK, no flu lingering in the background and no lameness in any of the legs :-) The Skydive London dropzone is situated about 3 hours drive away from Haverfordwest , adjacent to the town of Swindon .
I have joined the hoard of internet users around the world and started using Facebook . I haven’t used it much but so far I am very impressed in the overall system. Really well thought out and programed. No wonder Google and Microsoft have appetites in the company. It is assumed to be worth around 10 billion USD (according to an article on Slashdot. The company was founded by a student drop-off in 2004 and currently has 42 million active users and more than 14 million photos are uploaded daily to the site.
After a one year sebaticle I finally got the chance to do some skydiving again. The best thing about it, besides, of course, skydiving, was that I could do it at my old home drop zone Prečna in Novo mesto in the southern part of Slovenia. The other good part was that I could jump from the old Antonov 2 (the one we use bares the nickname “Fata”. I did my first student jumps from it two years ago.
Started off from a sunny Johnston on Sunday at about 11.25 am and arrived in Ljubljana early this morning at about 1 am. The trip took me all through Pembrokeshire and the south of Wales, crossing the second Severn bridge to England while on the M4 , getting to London and then down to Folkestone in Kent to pick up the Channel tunnel train to Calais where I slept over in the Coquelles Holiday Inn.
No, še ta teden gre mimo, potem pa grem na pot. Če bo šlo vse po načrtih, se odpravim v nedeljo zjutraj in se vmes ustavim še pri očetu, nato pa do Folkestone-a na vlak, ki pelje pod Rokavskim prelivom, potem pa v tem vrstnem redu: Francija, Belgija, Nizozemska, Nemčija, Avstrija in potem domača Slovenija. Ne morem ravno reči rodna, bi pa z veseljem.
Tipična fora pri Murphiju: ravno v petek sem imel servis za novega Passata, v začetku tedna pa začutim, da mi v Golfu nagajajo zavore.
Razmere v hiši, kjer živim trenutno, so bile malo preveč »zanimive« in še ponavljajoči se kiksi lastnika (landlorda) so mi šli že pošteno na živce. V lokalnem časopisu sem že nekaj tednov iskal morebitno novo lokacijo in si jih tudi nekaj ogledal. Na koncu pa mi je bilo še najbolj všeč stanovanje v čisto novi hiši nedaleč od kraja, kjer trenutno živim.
Ponujeno mi je bilo ali stanovanje v pritličju ali stanovanje v 1.
I see that Slovenia is quite behind the smoking ban that is in the process of being inforced across the EU. I arrived in Wales on the 7th of April 2007 and that was the weekend, when the ban started here . There was no big deal, however we will see what will happen in a few months time when the temperature drops. The ban was enforced just before the summer and it was followed by a very warm period.
Bodyflight Bedford in 2007
It was a great day probably more suitable for outdoor skydiving than indoor skydiving. I set of from home early Saturday morning and arrived at Bedford five and a half hours later after stupidly ignoring my satnav and adding another hour to my already long journey. The Bodyflight facility is situated in a generally abandoned ex-military complex outside of Bedford near the A6. I heard it was used to do tests for the Concorde.
Fenton Vets in 2007
Closer I got to starting to work at the vet clinic , the more I dreaded the moment and the more I felt not being up for the job seeing that I haven’t practised vet medicine for so long. The first day of worked showed me, how much I great team of co-workers can help, when you are not sure of your own abilities to get the job done.