London visit 2010 – day 5 of 6

Saint Paul's Cathedral

Monday. Did some more walking round London and did the touristy view of St. Paul’s Cathedral. The Fat Tyre bike tour guide told me that the view from the top of the cathedral was much more impressive than from the London eye. I surely was not disappointed. The tour was not that bad.

Village Deli in Bermondsey

The one thing I wanted to do on this day is to go for lunch in Bermondsey . Specifically to a deli on Bermondsey street called Village Deli on 109 Bermondsey Street. I went to it last year but forgot what it was called. It seems to be a family-run business and trying their toasted wraps are a must if you go to London and the 5 minute walk from London Bridge tube station even in the bitter cold is well worth it.

The evening was spent going to the first west-end show I have ever been to. Now you would not find me dead at a musical but there were some theatre plays there and the re-enactment of the famous BBC comedy series ‘Yes, Prime minister ’ (and ‘Yes, Mr Minister before that) was something that had to be seen. And it was really really good. The actors were brilliant and the Gielgud theatre , where it was playing, was packed.

After the play a short walk around central London, long enough to get spectacularly lost and then back on the tube to get warmed-up again.