London visit - day 2 of 4

Fat Tyre Bike Tour After only sleeping a few hours as I only went to bed at 4 am as a consequence from the previous night’s walkabout London I had a Fat Tyre bike tour planned for the Saturday morning. The tour takes place on bicycles you get from the tour company and it starts at 11am just outside the Queensway underground station. Its a great way to see the city as you can see different parts of it without walking large distances.

London visit - day 1 of 4

I soon realised my satnav is going to make me drive down the M4 right into the centre of London - no ifs or butts. Wasn’t that bad really, all I had to do is to imagine I was driving downtown Ljubljana - just on a much bigger scale. And it really went very well except at the very end one of the roads was closed and I had to make up a detour on my own - only to get myself even more stuck into the dreaded London rush-hour traffic jams.

How I got bullied by three horses

This is not a photo from the incident Recently I haven not been writing about my treks round Pembrokeshire and how I have been working my way through the “Walking in Pembrokeshire ” guide. I’ve done so many now I have been repeating some of them two to three times. This last walk I did for the first time and is worth mentioning as it was one of the more unusual.

Nepriznavanje kratice v Veliki Britaniji

Verjetno bi se mnogemu zdelo vprašanje manjkajoče kratice strokovnega naziva nepomembno ali pa celo na robu postavljaštva. Meni se je to dolgo zdelo in zato nisem ukrenil kaj dosti, ko sem ugotovil, da mi lokalna ustanova, ki kontrolira veterinarje v Veliki Britaniji, Royal college of Veterinary Surgeons ali krajše RCVS, kratice ni dodala v svoj register članov . Trenutno je navedena le kratica MRCVS, kar pomeni “Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons”.

Snemanje Robina Hooda - malce bližje

Slika z BBC strani, avtorja Scotty Včeraj sem šel spet malo na ogled do lokacije snemanja novega filma o Robinu Hoodu na obali Freshwater West in zadeve so se precej spremenile od prejšnjega tedna, ko sem bil nazadnje tam. Varnostnikov ni bilo veliko in tokrat so me vsaj spustili na plažo, kljub temu, da je na tam potekalo snemanje. Povsod sami statisti, večinoma v horizontali. Če se nisem spotaknil ob statista, sem se pa skoraj ob kako sulico.

Snemanje Robina Hooda - od daleč

V mesecu juniju 2009 so pričeli nedaleč od tod s snemanjem naslednje filmske upodobitve princa tatov - Robina Hooda. V mesecu juniju 2009 so pričeli nedaleč od tod s snemanjem naslednje filmske upodobitve princa tatov - Robina Hooda. Lokacija, kjer poteka snemanje, se imenuje Freshwater West in gre za eno lepših plaž v Pembrokeshire -ju in Wales-u nasploh. Tu so pejšnji mesec celo snemali naslednji film o Harryu Potterju. Produkcija za Robina Hooda pa je precej večja in vključuje veliko več ljudi in opreme.

Fighting tinnitus and the Ménière syndrome

Defined by the British tinnitus association as a ringing, whistling, buzzing and humming in the ears and/or head without any external source it has been a bit of an ailment for me for over a year now. It all started a few years back when I started to get presumably viral related Ménière syndrome attacks. They appeared about once or twice a year and got worse towards the end - the last one “flattened” me for about 12h with a few days recovery after that.

Trekking the hills of Snowdon

Mt Snowdon Ever since I moved to Wales 2 years ago I had a quiet wish to climb the highest peak in this country - Snowdon. Last weekend was showing to be a perfect opportunity to fulfil that wish. I was working only till 12 pm and the forecast was for sunshine and high temperatures stretching way into the following week. Getting some good literature , so you know what your are doing, is very advisable.

Robin Hood filmset all ready at Freshwater West

Filming of Robin Hood Had the opportunity to have a walk from Angle to the Freshwater West beach and it looks the production team has a lot of logistics to deal with. They seem to have chosen two locations to pitch-up marquees, one is just of the turn from the road to Angle on B4320 and B4319. The second, you could say the main, location is right next to the beach at the southern carpark.

The Hill of Angels

Looking down towards Cwm mawr What a thoroughly enjoyable way to spend a March Sunday. In fact it was so nice I wish the hike would have lasted a bit longer. Instead I took the opportunity to sit and enjoy the sunshine on the wooden bench by the Sychbant car park were this walk starts and ends. The walk (no. 39: Mynydd Caregog and Carn Ingli) starts off with a nice steep hill and then should continue in a conifer forest.