Entrance to the mine
As the book states this is a walk where you can see lots of nice views and hardly meet anyone. And it was true for me. Only people I met were some farmers on a field, however the fact that I did the walk on a Tuesday afternoon might have had something to do with it.
I was especially surprised to see an actual waterfall, not very big but a waterfall nonetheless.
This walk seemed the muddiest of them all, in fact I am wandering how exactly to wash my walking shoes and the washing machine is getting to be the favourite. This is the walk no. 32 and can easily be combined with no. 33 (Treffgarne Gorge) as they both start from the same point. That was actually my plan but my walking shoes got filled with lots of lovely mud hindering any furter hikes that day.
Puncheston (slikala Lisa Phillips)
Veliko hecov se je že razvilo na ta račun in ka nekaj sem jih verjetno začel sam. V večini so kar upravičeni in ravno te dni imam to srečo opazovat v praksi, ko v tej državi, v kateri trenutno živim, popadajo v stanje absolutne panike, ko jim pade bela snov iz nebes.
(slikala Lisa Phillips)
Kot prvo ne znajo vozit v snegu. Speljevanje iz druge jim je španska vas.
Coetan Arthur burial chamber on St Davids Head
OK, same book used from the last walk , but this time it was walk no. 11: St David’s Head and Carn Llidi. You start off at Whitesands near St David which is convenient as there is lots of parking available - you will be charged parking if you come during the tourist season.
The Carn Lidi hill is a prominent feature in southern Pembrokeshire and you can see it from miles away.
Carn Menyn in the Preselis
This morning was going to be a another great day for hiking as the skies were clear and there was no rain forecast for the whole day. I was, again, following the great book Walking in Pembrokeshire - 41 circular walks in the National park. By the way, this was walk no 21: Carn Menyn and the »Bluestones«.
It took me a bit to find the correct site for parking as I kept switching between the book and the Ordnance survey map.
Started off while it was still dark. Plan A was going to ski on Krvavec. No plan B at that time. Just as we left Cerklje there was a suspicious hold-up in the traffic which turned out to be due to the great number of cars - all heading for the same ski resort. My friend and I parked just soon after Cerklje , where the buses usually park. That meant were were at least a few kilometres aways from the valley cable station.
I have tried to visit this place before but the last time got a bit disappointed as there was the standard parking fee . Today was a very good time to see the place, sunny and not a lot of people on it. Oh yes, and the parking was free. By the way, I am all for conservation and good old cash goes a long way in conservation but ripping local of so that they can use the local nature is just wrong.
I have now managed to send off the container to the manufacturer Aerodyne in Florida. I have just driven back from Swansea where I send off the container through a DHL ServicePoint location in the Parc Tawe Staples shop. Great service, if you ask me, as you don’t have to pay a high price to have your packed shipped and you also choose what boy its going to be sent in - the price of shipment depends on the size of the box, but with a upper weight limit.
My recent visit to the motherland gave me the opportunity for yet another skydiving session, I joined my instructor and mentor Aleš Debeljak from the Paranoia skydiving school.
All went well and on the third jump of the second day just as I exited the Cessna 206 I apparently managed to hook my rig on the side of the door which resulted in a nasty tear in my container on the reserve parachute flap.
This will be my public consumer awareness post. Just for those who don’t know me, I have not lived in the UK for many years so I had no real idea how much utilities cost. Sure you can compare prices between different companies but its difficult to know, how much you spend.
However I always thought I was paying a bit to much for gas but was delaying the time to actually call up the gas company and ask for some help.