
Ubijanje v imenu Faktorja X

V Veliki Britaniji že nekaj Božičev zaporedno prihaja na britanski glasbeni lestvici do nadvlade pocukranih komadov iz tovarne pocukranih komadov Simona Cowell-a in njegovega [X Factor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_X_Factor_(British_series_6) glasbenega show-a. Tudi za letošnji Božič je kazalo, da bo zopet zmagal njegov protežiranec in zmagovalec Faktorja X - letos je to uspelo Joe McElderry-u. Račune mu je prekrižala zelo odmevna Facebook kampanija Jona in Tracy Morter, imenovana Rage Against The Machine For Christmas No.

To have a face on Facebook

I have joined the hoard of internet users around the world and started using Facebook . I haven’t used it much but so far I am very impressed in the overall system. Really well thought out and programed. No wonder Google and Microsoft have appetites in the company. It is assumed to be worth around 10 billion USD (according to an article on Slashdot. The company was founded by a student drop-off in 2004 and currently has 42 million active users and more than 14 million photos are uploaded daily to the site.