Day 2 at Deland

The picture on the left is showing our makeshift hangar - the flag has now been moved to a proper flag post close to the boarding zone - pics to follow :-)

I was probably writing this blog page for all I know
I have been having some problems with my landings and I was planning to do a canopy control course in Deland, but the instructors have not appeared to be very interested so I was lucky to have my old instructor from my home DZ in Prečna here - Aleš Debeljak. He gave me some simple live guidances during my landing and they went great. I was apparently flaring to late and that made my landing quite sore - especially on the knees.

The weather was not as nice as previous days so some of the lifts were at a lower altitude than 4.000 m. If this happens - tough, no money back at all.
Tomorrow looks like a bad day for jumping, there is some chance of showers and it will probably be overcast if not completely cloudy.