Trips and outings

Stonehenge = Made in the Preselis

Carn Menyn in the Preselis This morning was going to be a another great day for hiking as the skies were clear and there was no rain forecast for the whole day. I was, again, following the great book Walking in Pembrokeshire - 41 circular walks in the National park. By the way, this was walk no 21: Carn Menyn and the »Bluestones«. It took me a bit to find the correct site for parking as I kept switching between the book and the Ordnance survey map.

Marloes Sands

I have tried to visit this place before but the last time got a bit disappointed as there was the standard parking fee . Today was a very good time to see the place, sunny and not a lot of people on it. Oh yes, and the parking was free. By the way, I am all for conservation and good old cash goes a long way in conservation but ripping local of so that they can use the local nature is just wrong.

Sands of speed

This is the name of a 7 mile (11 km) stretch of sandy beach located on the south Wales coastline between Tenby and Swansea . The most impressive feature of this beach is its flatness and straightness at such a long length. You can see the satellite view below. In the early 20th century the sands were often used as a racing course and later, in the 1920s, it was used for land speed records .

The red dragon will lead the way

The Pierhead building in Cardiff Bay Always wanted to see the capital of Wales but always ended up just drive pass it on the M4. The closest I ever got to the actual city centre was to visit the local Ikea store while I was still in the process of furnishing my small flat in Haverfordwest. Here are some more detailed instructions for those who might want to see it also but don’t know how to get there.


Tenby harbour with the Quay on left, lifeboat station above it, Castle Hill in the centre top I have put it off for a long time but a sightee-er to Tenby was well due. The town of Tenby lies on the south Pembrokeshire coast and if leaving from Haverfordwest can take the road across the Cleddau bridge or you can, by saving the 75p bridge toll and, depriving the Pembrokeshire County Council :-), go through Canaston Bridge.

PST od Johnstona do Neylanda

Prejšnji torek sem delal samo pol dneva in sem izkoristil to priložnost da sem končno opravil pešpot od Johnstona, kraja kjer živim, do Neylanda . Oba kraja sta namreč povezana s precej lepo kolesarsko stezo, ki pa je odprta tudi za pešce. Pot je približno dolga 6,5 km in se vije po prelepi valežanski pokrajini. Sicer valežanska pot ne bi bila prava, če ne bi bila levo in desno obdana s kako ograjo ali nasipom in tudi ta ni izjema, amapk pustmo to - dan je bil lep in dejmo pot pot noge.